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December 1996 front page

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December 1996 Front Page:

Project Runeberg presents
Nordic Literature and Art >>
available for free on the Internet since 1992,
from LYSATOR, Linköping University, Sweden


Bellman, Fröding, Ibsen

December 1996 - For the first time on the Internet, the complete Fredmans epistlar by Carl Michael Bellman, a Swedish 18th century poet who also wrote Science Fiction! Say hello to Project Runeberg's new sf editor, Hans Persson. Also recently completed is Gustaf Fröding's Gitarr och dragharmonika. This is popular Swedish poetry first published in 1891, with items such as Det var dans bort i vägen.

Turning west across the border, we are proud to present Et dukkehjem by Henrik Ibsen, Norway's most famous writer and playwright. Project Runeberg needs your help to publish more Norwegian literature!


Det lackar mot jul

Ta en titt på några nordiska julkort, målade av Hasse Bredenberg. De är skyddade av upphovsrätt, men Projekt Runeberg har fått konstnärens tillåtelse att publicera dem här.

Vad vore en jul utan Viktor Rydbergs dikter, som Tomten, en av de dikter som vi mest förknippar med denna högtid.

Christmas is coming...

Take a look at these Scandinavian Christmas cards, painted by Hasse Bredenberg. They are protected by copyright, but published here with permission of the artist.

Helping us is Easy!

As a volunteer, helping Project Runeberg is easy. All you need to know is e-mail (and perhaps something about literature). Our editors take care of all HTML coding and other technical matters. Together, we are building the Internet's biggest center for Nordic literature.

In Swedish: Projekt Runeberg behöver alltid fler medhjälpare. Om du har lite tid över, blir vi glada om du lägger den på att hjälpa oss att scanna in, knappa in, korrekturläsa eller på annat sätt bidra till våra elektroniska texter. Se till att din favoritförfattare finns hos oss! Tag kontakt med redaktionsgruppen för mer information.

Nordic links

Lysator's web server is sponsored by  Sun Microsystems

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