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sacrificial grove, -plats, place of sacrifice,
jfr äfv. föreg, -präst, sacrificing priest,
sacri-ficer. -ställe, se -plats, -villig, adj. willing
(ready) to make sacrifices, self-sacrificing,
-villighet, readiness to make sacrifices;
self-sacrifice; afv. (svagare) generosity,
officer, -n, -are, [military] [commissioned]
officer; högre *»t superior officer; blifva *»,
receive a (o.’s) commission; förse med "»are,
jfr -skàr, ex. -s|aspirant, candidate for a
lieutenant’s commission, -sjexamen, examination
qualifying to hold a commission; han har
tagit [sin] *», he has passed [his [-examination]-] {+examina-
tion]+} as lieutenant, -s|fru, officer’s wife,
-s-fullmakt, commission, -s|kamrat, [a] brother
officer [of mine]; de voro *»er, they were
brother officers, -s[kår, body (ei. staff) of
officers; regementet har en duglig <\>, afv. the
regiment is well officered, -s|tält, officer’s
tent, -s[volontär, [army] cadet, jfr -saspirant.
officillant, -anten, -anter, officiator, officiating
functionary (ei. särsk. priest, clergyman), -iell,
adj. official, -era, intr. officiate [at a funeral],
-n, -en, -er, office[s]. -neil, adj. officinal.
-Ös, adj. semi-official.
offrlla1, tr. aiim. sacrifice Eto : åt, afv. för]; offer
[up] [sacrifices]; biidi. immolate, victimize,
jfr offer, ex. o. uppoffra; jfr vid. agna; ~
mycket på, devote large sums to [the navy], jfr
afv. kosta [pengar på] o. jfr ned.; ~ åt, afv.
make sacrifices to Ethe fashion of the day];
o* sig åt (afv.: sitt lif åt, sin tid på), devote
o. s. to; ~ lifvet för, lay down o.’s life for
[o.’s country]; utan att ~ en tanke på,
without giving a thought to. -ande, -t, 0,
sacrifice, sacrificing, offering,
ofjädrad, adj. unfeathered SB, afv. callow,
ofodrad, adj. Ea coat] without a lining, not

lined, unlined.
ofog, -et, -, okynne mischief; streck malicious
(wanton,lawless) prank[s]; disorder,
disturbance; afv. corrupt practices, malpractices;
objektivt (ss. lidet obehag) nuisance; bedrifva
(för-öfva, göra) do mischief; där ligapojkarne
bedrifva sitt *», carry on their villanies, jfr
grassera; stäfja (sätta en gräns för) •*»et,
put a stop to the abuse (nuisance), abolish
the anomaly,
oformlig,adj. a) shapeless [mass]; fui deformed,
misshapen, starkt monstrous; 6) anomalous,
incongruous; jfr vid. formvidrig, -het,
shape-lessness; [be guilty of an] informality,
ofrankerad, adj. [a letter posted] unpaid, not

ofred, war; afv. troubles, disturbances [in the
country], jfr oroligheter; lefva i ~ med ngn,
be at enmity with a p. -a1, tr. molest,
disturb [a p.[’s peace] ngn], trouble; lag. assault;
röfvare landet, afv. the country is infested
with robbers, -ande, -t, 0, molesting SB,
molestation; lag. assault Eon a p.].

ofri, adj. not free, unfree; en ~ man,
bondsman, jfr lif eg en, träl; huset står på ~ grund, on
non-freehold property, -het, want of freedom;
bondage; i aiim. bet. jfr bundenhet (slutet), -villig,
adj. involuntary; unintentional.

ofruktllbar, adj. om jord unfertile; barren [på,
of afv. biidi. t. ex. ideas], sterile; aiim. bet.
unproductive [attempt, scheme, labour];
unfruitful afv. biidi.; om kapital idle, dead, -barhet,
unfertileness SB, infertility, sterility, -sam,
adj. barren, sterile; unprolific; biidi. afv. jfr

föreg. adj. -Samhet, jfr ofvan.

ofrälse, adj. @ [the] unprivileged [classes];
not noble; plebeian [i mots, tin patrician; t. ex.
parentage]; ibi. ignoble [descent]; ~ man,
commoner; de *» stånden,® the unprivileged
estates; the commonalty, afv. the commons.

ofta, adv. often, ibi. oftentimes; frequently; jfr
mången [gång]; o» förekommande (jfr d. o. ex.)
(ei. inträffande ei. anställd, gjord) frequent;
han går (far) ~ dit, äfv. he makes frequent
visits to the place; ~ nog, rätt äfv. very
often (frequently); ever so often; afv. again
and again, jfr faij. ex.; tidt och "w, often and
often, every now and again (then); så *» jag
ser dig, as often as I see you, se vid. [hvar]
gång ..; afv. (: ju <%,re ...) the oftener I see
you, the more I see of you [the more you
remind me of your father]; här som så
annars, in this case (connection) just as in
so many others; *»st, oftenest, most often
(frequently), [as is] most commonly [the
case : som oftast händer, inträffar]; SOm *»st, jfr [tidt
och] f^ o. esomoftast.

ofull|[bordad, adj. unaccomplished, unfinished;
jfr äfv. [lämna] ogjord; incomplete särsk. äfv.
gram. (i. action : ^ handling), -gången, adj.
abortive [fetus] afv. biidi. -komlig, adj.
imperfect. -komlighet, imperfectness, imperfection
(afv. konkr. med pl.); [den] mänsklig[a] "»[eri],
human frailty, -ständig, adj. incomplete
[collection, set], defective [copy : exemplar];
imperfect [is. abstr. ss.: knowledge,
metamorphosis; afv. flower, copy]; i framställning äfv.
inadequate. -ständighet, incompleteness SB, jfr
föreg, -ändad, adj. inconsummate, jfr -bordad.

Ofvan, adv. above (äfv. ss. prep., jfr t. ex. jord, ex.);
at the top, jfr -till; se där, ex.; här *» (särsk. i
skrift), above; som as above, -bemäld,
-berörd, adj. above-mentioned, alluded to above,
-efter, adv. (bibi.) from on high; jfr -ifrån.
-för, I. prep. above. II. adv. (äfv. -före) above,
higher (farther) up. -ifrån, adv. from above;
from the top. -läder, over(top)-leather.
-nämnd, adj. above-mentioned, -om, se ofvan.
-omkring, I. adv. round (all about) the top.
II. prep, [all] round the top of. -på, I. prep.
[up]on, on the top of äfv. bildl. (tid, ordning);
after, jfr det föij.; ~ det, (tid) äfv. and then.
II. adv. on the top; tid, ordning after that,
afterwards, jfr efteråt; afv. in addition; han bor

~ I i lea med föreg, uppslagsord. O saknar plur.

- pl. och siug. lika. † har omljud. F familjärt. (n) uurmast motsvarande.

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