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skarv|sula        810        skatte|indrivtiingsavdelning

a rail joint; osula (sko.) piece-sole; ~svets

joint; ~svetselektrod arc welding electrode,

electrode [for fabrication only]; ~tejp

(inspelningsband) splicing tape; ~tråd binding-in

(tie) wire; ~tång splicing pliers;

~utrustning (jör t. ex. film) splicer (splicing) outfit;

(för tvä fermat) duo splicer outfit; ~uttag

(el) extension cord socket; (US) flexible lead

outlet; (äv.) plug box; ~ympa to

whip-graft; ~ympning whip and tongue grafting;

~yxa adze, adz; ~öppning (järnv.) gap at

joint, expansion gap

skatol (kem.) skatole

skatologi scatology, [the] study of excrement;

~sk scatological

skatt (utskylder till staten) tax, (US) [federal;

state] tax; (kommunal-) local taxes, (Br) [town]

rate[s], (US) city (municipal) taxes; (koll.)

[rates and] taxes; ( vissa varor) duty; (accis)

excise [duty], excise (sales) tax; (beskattning)

taxation; (pålaga) levy, impost;

(brandskattning) contribution; (klenoder etc.) treasure;

hoard; betala ~er to pay taxes; direkta

(indirekta) ~er direct (indirect) taxes (taxation);

fri från ~ se ~e|fri; Helgade Soens Orden

(jap.) the Order of the Sacred Treasure;

höga ~er high (heavy) taxes; indriva ~er to

collect (enforce) taxes; innehållen ~ withheld

tax; låga ~er low taxes (taxation); oguldna

~er unpaid taxes, taxes unpaid, tax arrears,

taxes in arrears; exekutiv auktion grund av

oguldna ~er tax sale; a sale of property at

auction for non-payment of taxes [assessed

against it]; personell ~ capitation tax, poll-tax;

preliminär ~ preliminary tax; (källo)

pay-as-you-earn(P.A.Y.E.) tax; (US) withholding

(pay-as-you-go) tax; överskjutande preliminär ~

preliminary tax paid in excess; progressiv ~

progressive (graduated) tax; pålägga ~er to

impose (levy) taxes [on], to tax; (särsk. för

varor) to establish duties [on]; resterande ~er

arrears of taxes, [income] tax arrears; ~er

och avgifter taxes and dues; ~ tax on;

duty on; ~ till staten utgår för egendom som

förvärvas genom arv eller testamente (arvs o) eller

genom gåva (gåvoo) tax to the state is payable

on property which is acquired by inheritance

or by bequest (succession tax) or by gift (gift

tax); ~ uttagen vid källan [income] tax assumed

at the source; ~ å kaffe coffee-tax; slutlig ~

final (ultimate) tax; smita från ~er to evade

(dodge) taxes; statliga ~er [government, state,

federal] taxes; sänka ~erna to cut (reduce,

lower) the taxes (tax rates); tillkommande ~

additional tax, surtax; undandragande av ~er

tax-evasion; uppbära ~ to collect taxes;

överskjutande ~ surplus tax; jfr alkoholo, arvso,

bensin~, bil~, engångs~, ersättnings~,

ex-porto) fastighets*—’,

företags-—förmögen-hets~, försäljnings~, hund~, inkomst~,

investerings~, kapital~, kommunal~,

konjunktur~, konsumtions~, kvar~, käll~,

lösöre~, nöjes~, omsättnings~,

produk-tions~, rest~, stats~, särö, tilläggs~,

ut-skiftnings~, varuo, vinst~, värdestegrings

skatta (bikupa) to take honey from; (stat.) to

estimate; (betala skatt) to pay taxes [to]; jfr


skatte|amnesti tax amnesty; ~anstånd respite

for payment of taxes (rates); ~avdelning

[Income] Tax Department; jfr ~verk;

~avodrag tax deduction, deduction for taxes,

tax abatement (reduction, allowance), tax

allowance for exemptions (deductions,

expenses) ; före ~avdrag pre-tax;

~avdragsreg-ler (ung.) allowances and reliefs; ~avsättning

provision[s] for [income] tax[es], tax

reservations; the Company reports a net profit of

Kr. 26.9 m. after tax reservations and allocations

to the pension fund and the value-adjustment account;

~balans (företagsek.) balance sheet for tax

purpose; ~bedrägeri tax fraud, [fraudulent]

tax evasion; obefrielse exemption from tax;

~belastning tax load (burden, squeeze);

~belopp amount of tax[es], tax amount;

~besked tax assessment; ~besvär tax appeal;

~betalare taxpayer; (kommunalskatt)

ratepayer, (US) taxpayer; Sobetalarnas Förening

the Swedish Taxpayers’ Association;

~betalning tax payment; (i förskott) advance tax

payment; (bevis om förskottsbetalning) Tax

Reserve Certificate; ~bevis Inspector of

Taxes Certificate; ~byrå Inland-Revenue

Office ; jfr ~verk; ~börda tax burden, burden

of taxation; tyngande ~börda heavy tax burden,

crushing load of taxation; ocertifikat tax

amortization certificate; ~deklaration fiscal

declaration; ~delegation; Näringslivets

S~-delegation the Taxation Committee of Private

Commerce and Industry [of Sweden];

~direktör (ung.) Tax Commissioner, Director of

the Inland Revenue Department; (Br ung.)

Inland Revenue Commissioner; (US ung.)

Director (Commissioner) of the Internal

Revenue Service (Bureau); ~efterskänkning tax

remission; ~enhet tax-unit; ~expert tax

expert (adviser); ~flykt tax (fiscal) evasion,

tax avoidance, evasion of taxes; ~fond tax

reserve[s]; ofordran tax [refund] claim;

~form form of taxation; ~fri exempt from

tax[ation]; tax-free, tax-exempt; (varor)

dutyfree, free of duty; (äv.) free of income tax,

income-tax free; ~fri sprit duty-free spirits;

~frihet exemption from taxes (taxation),

tax-exemption; (äv.) exemption from duty;

~fråga tax[ation] matter (question, issue),

matter (question, issue) of taxation;

Amerikanska domstolen för ~frågor Tax Court of the

United States; Kommissionen för ~frågor the

Fiscal Commission; ~fusk tax evasion

(avoidance); ~fuskare tax evader (dodger);

~förmåga tax-paying ability, ability to pay taxes

(rates), taxable capacity; nedsatt ~förmåga

reduced tax-paying ability; ~förordning

taxation act (ordinance), act governing

(regulating) the taxation [of], taxation rules, fiscal

regulations (provisions);

~förskottsbetalning; bevis om ~förskottsbetalning Tax Reserve

Certificate; ~höjning increase in (of) taxation

(taxes; kommunalskatt rates); ~inbetalning

tax payment; stora ~inbetalningar heavy tax

payments [to the Treasury]; ~incidens

incidence of taxation; ~indrivare se

~uppbörds-man; ~indrivning tax enforcement,

enforcement of taxes; jfr ~uppbörd;

~indrivnings-avdelning tax enforcement division [of the

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