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Paul Du Chaillu

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Du Chaillu, Paul (1831–1903), explorer, writer, France, USA.

Paul Belloni Du Chaillu, North American explorer, born 31 July 1835 in Paris, died 30 April 1903 in S:t Petersburg.


Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa, 1861
new ed. 1871
Swedish translation, Forskningsresor och äfventyr i mellersta Afrika, 1875
A Journey to Ashango Land, 1867
Stories of the Gorilla Country, 1868
Swedish translation, Historier från Gorillalandet, 1868
Wild Life under the Equator, 1869
Lost in the Jungle, 1869
My Apingi Kigndom, 1870
The Country of the Dwarfs, 1871
Swedish translation, Dvergarnes land, 1874
The Land of the Midnight Sun, 2 vol., 1881
written after a journey in 1872 to Sweden, Norway, Lappland, and Finland
Swedish translation, I midnattsolens land, 1882--1883
The Viking Age, 2 vol., 1889
Ivar the Viking, 1893

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