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Antonio de La Gandara

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Gandara, Antonio de La (1861–1917), painter, France.

Antonio de La Gandara (Paris, 12 December 1861 - 30 June 1917), painter and draughtsman mainly known as a portraitist and for his scenes of Paris.

Gandara's models included Sarah Bernhardt, Paul Verlaine, Grand Duchess of Mecklemburg, and Prince de Polignac. Recognised as one of the most talented artists of the Belle Epoque, often compared to Velasquez or James McNeill Whistler, his fame faded after a premature death during the first world war. With today's fast growing interest for 19th century art, his work is again sought after by collectors. Antonio de La Gandara produced a limited number of exquisite lithos and illustrated a few books, including Robert de Montesquiou's "Les Chauves-souris" and Camille Mauclair's "Les Danaïdes".

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