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Ludvig Holberg

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Holberg, Ludvig (1684–1754), writer, historian, playwright, Denmark, Norway.

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In the early 18th century the French Enlightenment and English rationalism started to influence Danish literary circles, and satires became fashionable. As a result, the Danish drama was created by Ludvig Holberg (born in Norway), whose joyous and witty comedies had an enormous impact on all Scandinavian playwrights of the following generations. Holberg may perhaps be called the father of modern Danish literature.
(From the Nordic FAQ)


Den norsk-danske forfattaren Ludvig Holberg var født i Bergen i 1684, studerte i København, bodde fra 1705 til 1716 i forskjellige vesteuropeiske land, ble i 1717 professor i København og bodde der til sin død i 1754.

Bøger av Ludvig Holberg

Peder Paars - Poema Heroico-Comicum af Hans Michelsen, 1719-1720
Skiemtedigte, 1722
Den politiske Kandestøber, 1722
Jeppe paa Bjerget
Den Stundesløse
Jean de France
Jacob von Tyboe
Ulysses von Ithacia
Henrik og Pernille
Hexerie eller Blind Allarm
Dannemarks Riges Historie, 1732-1735
Niels Klims underjordiske Reise, 1741
Moralske Tanker, 1744
Epistler, 1748-1754
Jubeludgave af Ludvig Holbergs samtlige comoedier ved F.L. Liebenberg, 1883-1888
Samlede Skrifter, 19 vol. (?), 1913-1935 (?)
"Monumentaludgaven". Udg. af Cars S. Petersen

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