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THE opening service of the great conference, occurring on Swedish
Day, was appropriately given over to the Swedish churches of
Chicago. Inasmuch as the churches of Sweden were the first
to send missionaries to Russia, their great neighbor land on the east,
it seemed fitting to the Committee that the Swedish churches of Chi-
cago should have first opportunity of expressing their interest in
Russia’s evangelization.
The Tabernacle was packed almost to its full capacity (there were y/
between four and five thousand present), when Rev. Harry Lindblom,
acting as chairman of this meeting, arose and announced the hymn,
"A Mighty Fortress is Our God." One of the Swedish periodicals of
Chicago commented as follows: "This powerful old hymn resounded
in the Tabernacle as if it were sung at a mass meeting in Dalarne
Province in Sweden." gr. G. E. Gordon, representing the Methodists,
read the tenth chapter of Romans, after which a united choir, under
the leadership of A. L. Hvassman, sang.
After short addresses by Rev. Jesse W. Brooks, Chairman of the
Conference Executive Committee, and Rev. E. Y. Woolley, representing
the Moody Church, Rev. C. Theo. Brodin, of the Edgewater Baptist
Church, gave a powerful missionary address. He said that God was
now mobilizing His armies for work in Russia. We must keep the
fires burning at home. The message which we carry is one of urgency
for it is a greeting of grace and peace.
The next speaker was Rev. Elof K. Jonson, of Ebenezer Lutheran
Church. He urged that we should make our attack upon Russia not
after the manner of Charles XII, but in the power of the Holy Spirit
in order to bring salvation to the people. He said: "The Russian
students from Philadelphia have won my heart with their simplicity
and sincerity." He also eulogized the work in which the Rev. N. F.
Hoijer has been engaged for nearly forty years in Russia. He held
up the love of Christ as the great constraining power, according to
the testimony of Paul, and urged: "If the love of Christ has become the
ruling factor in our hearts, then Paul’s testimony is our testimony
also. God grant that it may be! We have the power of Christ at
our disposal. He has commanded us and also given us the promise
of success. Let us not be doubtful in the face of the great task, for /
He is with us alway. Russia is the highway of the nations. Her /
people must have the Gospel, for their hearts are open and yearning
for it. They will be of inestimable value, in the future to the cause
of Christ, if we heed their present cry. Oh, if every Christian in this
land of privilege would awake and work and pray for the salvation
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