Project Runeberg comes to you from LYSATOR at Linköping University in Sweden.
Nordic Authors
Project Runeberg's
continuously updated database of
more than 30,000 authors and other relevant people
from the Nordic countries,
including hundreds of detailed biographies.
Projekt Runebergs
ständigt uppdaterade databas med
fler än 30.000 författare och andra intressanta personer
från de nordiska länderna,
med hundratals detaljerade levnadsbeskrivningar.
Project Runeberg's database of Nordic Authors is easy to use, free
of charge and open source. There are several ways to access the
database. This is a work in progress. Of the 33,000 names (December
2013), 55% are Swedish, 17% Danish, 9% Norwegian, 3% Estonian, and 3%
Finnish. Your active contribution can help to balance this score.
- Nordic Authors open source listing
- Download the complete listing of more than 30,000 Nordic Authors
with names, years of birth and death, nationality, and profession.
This is a ISO 8859-1 plain text file named a.lst
(click to download, 1.8 megabytes).
Please report any errors or missing entries back to the
Please indicate the RCS identification of the version you used.
A similar file (t.lst) lists the titles of
the more than 2,000 books that we have digitized.
- Search for Nordic
- The search is based on Project Runeberg's databases of more than
30,000 Nordic Authors. For each author, we list their names, years of
birth and death, (nationality,) and profession.
- Biographies of Nordic Authors
- For hundreds of Nordic Authors, Project Runeberg provides detailed
biographies. You will find links to these biographies when you search for Nordic Authors. The
contents of the biographies vary from author to author, and may
- details of their lives,
- pictures of the author,
- lists of books they have written,
- links to Project Runeberg's electronic editions of these books,
- links to more information about the author found elsewhere in
Project Runeberg,
- links to other Nordic Authors that were related or relevant to
- links to thematic entries that in turn link to other authors,
books, or information,
- links to book reviews,
- information about literary societies devoted to the author,
- links to more information on other Internet sites.
- Link to Nordic Authors
- Several hundreds of the Nordic Authors have detailed biographies,
as described above. Each biography is a web page of its own, and has
a bookmarkable URL. Links to these biographies are found when you search for Nordic Authors. Once
you found your favorite authors, you can make a links to them from
your own homepage, or save the bookmark. We guarantee that the
URLs will not change, and the links will not be broken in the
future, thus saving you from a lot of trouble. Furthermore, the
URLs are all written in lower case letters (and sometimes digits 0-9)
and contain no strange letters, umlauts, or characters that might look
bad in print. We encourage you to mention these URLs to your friends
and to print them in newspaper articles.
- Growth statistics
Date | Names |
Biographies | Links to |
Total | 300+ bytes | 3000+ bytes |
All | Internal | Wikipedia | Wikisource |
Litteratur- priser | Litteratur- banken |
Project Gutenberg |
2023-07-17 | 35,774 |
15,070 | 3,808 | 167 |
49,313 | 18,432 | 19,726 | 1,041 |
2,894 | 336 | 168 |
2023-09-01 | 35,789 |
15,100 | 3,832 | 168 |
49,781 | 18,682 | 19,858 | 1,063 |
2,895 | 345 | 172 |
2023-11-28 | 35,817 |
15,143 | 3,869 | 170 |
50,382 | 19,126 | 19,948 | 1,079 |
2,895 | 351 | 174 |
2023-12-08 | 35,824 |
15,158 | 3,886 | 171 |
50,667 | 19,330 | 20,006 | 1,082 |
2,895 | 354 | 175 |
2024-01-29 | 36,000 |
15,410 | 4,048 | 174 |
53,606 | 20,750 | 20,890 | 1,160 |
2,906 | 382 | 194 |
2024-04-27 | 36,064 |
15,587 | 4,219 | 183 |
56,386 | 22,304 | 21,638 | 1,261 |
2,908 | 407 | 217 |
2024-07-19 | 36,111 |
15,661 | 4,270 | 183 |
57,142 | 22,664 | 21,888 | 1,311 |
2,915 | 414 | 226 |
2024-10-23 | 36,172 |
15,753 | 4,356 | 186 |
58,470 | 23,500 | 22,185 | 1,358 |
2,927 | 425 | 237 |
2025-01-31 | 36,357 |
15,988 | 4,552 | 188 |
61,460 | 25,147 | 23,044 | 1,511 |
2,945 | 460 | 273 |
- The longest biographies are:
Ulf Grahn,
Carl Anton Wetterberg,
Rafael Karsten,
Johan Gunnar Andersson,
Sven Hedin,
Stieg Trenter,
Viktor Rydberg,
Selma Lagerlöf,
Hans Karlgren,
Ernst Didring,
Maksim Gorkij,
Ivar Kreuger,
Jan Wahlén,
Adam Oehlenschläger,
Carl Axel Gottlund,
Hjalmar Söderberg,
Georg Brandes,
Johan Ludvig Runeberg,
Adolf Noreen,
Karl Gerhard,
Herman Bang,
H. P. Lovecraft,
Jonas Hellborg,
Ludwig Lewysohn,
Harry Martinson,
Fritiof Nilsson,
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen,
Dan Andersson,
Hans Krondahl,
Carl Fredric Dahlgren,
Vilhelm Moberg,
Mihkel Aitsam,
Denis Diderot,
Louise Hoffsten,
Anders Chydenius,
August Strindberg,
Bernhard Nordh,
Lasse Eriksson,
Carl Michael Bellman,
Astrid Lindgren,
Karl Warburg,
Jonas Lie,
August Blanche,
P. C. Jersild,
Frans Michael Franzén,
Ilmari Kianto,
Gustaf Fröding,
K. G. Ossiannilsson,
Holger Drachmann,
Jöns Jacob Berzelius,
Bernhard Lundstedt,
Georg Brandell,
Jan Lundius,
William Shakespeare,
Georg af Forselles,
Fredrik August Dahlgren,
Carl Rupert Nyblom,
Henrik Ibsen,
Hjalmar Bergman,
Oscar Levertin,
Ragnar Jändel,
Carl August Hagberg,
Nathan Söderblom,
Carl Grimberg,
Alexander L. Kielland,
Britta Gröndahl,
Anna Maria Lenngren,
Håkon Melberg,
Agneta Pleijel,
Verner von Heidenstam,
Esaias Tegnér,
Johan Olof Wallin,
Richard Smedberg,
Elin Wägner,
Fredrika Bremer,
Otto Wilhelm Ålund,
Peter Nilson,
Gunnar Ekelöf,
Victoria Benedictsson,
Inger Sandberg,
Gösta Molin,
G. S. Löwenhielm,
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld,
Eva Neander,
Zacharias Topelius,
Aurora Ljungstedt,
Erik Brate,
Gustaf Ullman,
Lars Gustafsson,
Otto Witt,
Cora Sandel,
Lars Frykholm,
Otto Nordenskjöld,
Carl Snoilsky,
Gunnar Kieri,
Sixten Lundbohm,
Per Hallström,
Emilie Flygare-Carlén,
Alfred Svensson,
Artur Lundkvist.
- Write about Nordic Authors
- If this database does not contain enough information about your
favorite Nordic Authors, you are welcome to make a contribution.
Write to the editors of Project Runeberg on
Project Runeberg was built by unpaid volunteers like you.
Together, we build the Internet's biggest center for Nordic
- More Information on the Internet
- We encourage the use of Wikipedia for author presentations. If other sites on the
Internet contain more information about your favorite Nordic Authors,
we intend to keep up-to-date links from our biographies to these
sites. We welcome your input. Write to the
- Literary societies devoted to Nordic Authors
- In the mid 1990s Project Runeberg used to offer free web space for
literary societies, but this offer is no longer open.
You can still see some old
examples of this in our Tema section.
I mitten av 1990-talet erbjöd Projekt Runeberg gratis utrymme för
webbpresentationer av litterära sällskap. Detta erbjudande är inte
längre öppet. I vår temasektion finns några äldre exempel på detta.
- Nordic Authors in Your Pocket
- It is now long since our Palm Pilot format version of the Nordic
Authors database was updated. If you have a 3com Palm Pilot, you can
bring Nordic Authors with you wherever you go, by downloading nordauth.pdb. This 260+ kbyte compressed
Pilot/Aportis Doc format version of our database contains the names of
more than 12,000 famous Nordic people in a compact and easy to read
format, complete with a legend:
Aapeli, (Simo Puupponen) (1915-1967) fi, writer
Aare, Leif (1933-) se, musician
Aarestrup, Emil (1800-1856) * dk, poet
Aarsleff, Carl (1852-1918) dk, sculptor
Aasen, IVAR Andreas (1813-1896) * no, linguist, poet
Read more about Project
Runeberg's Pilot editions.
Books are protected by copyright during the lifetime of the author
and then for 70 more years (life + 70). After that, the books enter
the Public Domain, which makes them available to Project Runeberg.
Books by authors who died in 1935 entered the Public Domain on January
1st, 2006. Learn more about
To find out who died when, you can search for Nordic Authors.
This was the original purpose behind our database of Nordic Authors.
If you have any questions, or if you would like to help us extend
or improve these databases, you are welcome to write to the
Innehåll / Indhold / Table of Contents
Contents Overview
Project Runeberg's author database contains 36360 authors, out of which 15997 have presentations of varying lengths.
A Aabel, Andreas
-- Azimi, Maryam (911 authors)
B Baade, Knud
-- Bülow-Hübe, Torun (1617 authors)
C Cacace, Mariangela Johansen
-- Cöster, Fredrik Bernhard (475 authors)
D d'Ailly, Gösta H.
-- Dürrfeld, Peter (433 authors)
E Eastman, Samuel Coffin
-- Eysteinn Ásgrimsson (580 authors)
F Faber, Else
-- Fürst, Thorvald (550 authors)
G Gaarder, Jostein
-- Günther, Johan (639 authors)
H Haag, Erik
-- Hüttner, Peter (1441 authors)
I Ibsen, Aage
-- Izmajlov, Aleksandr Alekseevich (101 authors)
J Jaabæk, Søren
-- Jürgensen, Jürgen (496 authors)
K Kaae, Harry
-- Küsel, Ernst (741 authors)
L L'Estrange, Charles James
-- Lützow, Jørgen (1185 authors)
M Macaulay, Thomas Babington
-- Mützelburg, Adolf (795 authors)
N Nachman, Eduard
-- Nørretranders, Tor (586 authors)
O O'Flanagan, Sheila
-- Oxenvad, Niels (222 authors)
P Paadar-Leivo, Rauna
-- Pönitz, Carl Eduard (452 authors)
Q Qashisho, Yuhanon
-- Qvist, Hans (17 authors)
R Raab, Axel Arvid
-- Rützebeck, Holger (773 authors)
S Saabye, Svend
-- Süskind, Patrick (1712 authors)
T Taarup, Martin
-- Tøxen, Manasse (615 authors)
U Uddenberg, Agneta
-- Uurto, Iris (91 authors)
V Vaa, Aslaug
-- Vørsel, Niels (252 authors)
W Waage, Erik
-- Würtz, Paul (938 authors)
X Xiao, Hong
-- Xingjian, Gao (2 authors)
Y Ya Ding
-- Yxkull, Otto Reinhold (26 authors)
Z Zacharias, Gun
-- Zöller, Siri (113 authors)
Á Árnadóttir, Nína Björk
-- Ásmundsson, Valdimar (3 authors)
Ä Ährling, Johan Erik Evald
-- Ängman, Jacob (5 authors)
Å Åberg, Alf
-- Åström, Wilhelm (76 authors)
Æ Ægidius, Hans Chr.
-- Æreboe, Rasmus (3 authors)
É Énault, Louis
Ó Ólöf Sigurðardóttir á Hlöðum
Ö Öberg Lindsten, Kajsa
-- Özkök, Lütfi (94 authors)
Ø Øberg, Edith
-- Øygarden, Bjørg (50 authors)
Þ Þórdarson, Matthías
Project Runeberg, 2025-02-04 22:33 (aronsson)